Winter Blues in the Shuswap

Winter Blues are pretty common in the Shuswap, were we get the full four seasons and winter can be particularly gray. Here are some tips to get through those gray days if season depression might be a struggle for you or even if you are aware that sunlight vastly improves your mood.

  • Ensure you get outside for at least 10 minutes within the first hour of waking. Research suggests that this greatly impacts our circadian rhythm. Sitting by a window doesn’t cut it because the light exposure is not high encough

  • Exercise: getting your heart rate up with the activity of your choice

  • Make a hearty soup with lots of local root vegetables —> our gut health impacts our mental health

  • Vitamin D defiencey is a real thing: so if possible take a vitamin or even better drive to the local ski mountain and sit in the sun.

  • Take advantage of the full moon and the snow. Enjoy the beauty of a full moon snow shoe, ski or walk

  • Create a theme for the month that is positive. January is a great time to start the book you have been wanting to read, host a dinner party, learn a new language, start a new class. Orientation yourself towards themes can help you stay on track

Merel Voth